5 Things that Make Tango a Therapeutic Hobby for You and Your Partner

Are you looking for a new hobby that you and your partner can try? Step into a dance studio and get your dose of tango therapy. Here are five things that make the dance beneficial for couples:

Dance as Therapy

  1. It promotes bonding and effective communication.

When you haven’t had a chance to do something together—just the two of you—or you want to try something new to spice up your relationship, you can go take tango classes. Each session—or date—gives you a chance to reconnect or to simply strengthen your bond as a couple. Since every step requires coordination, the dance can also help you more effectively communicate with each other and take hints on who leads or who follows.

  1. It can help relieve stress and tension.

Many dancers and even psychology experts attest to how “tango therapy” can enhance a person’s emotional and mental wellbeing. The activity allows you to blow off steam and unwind through the exercise and the captivating music. This is why tango can be used by couples to resolve conflicts with each other, relieve anxieties, or even let go of social fears.

  1. Its therapeutic effects have been medically proven.

Previous studies have found a probable link between ballroom dancing and the prevention of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease from developing. For tango, specifically, there was an experiment that showed how it helped improve the participant’s self-esteem and even their multitasking abilities and memory. More recently, the Argentine dance has shown promise in the management of Parkinson’s disease symptoms like difficulty walking, turning while walking, balancing, etc.

  1. It can help you get or stay fit together.

In the long run, dancing can be part of your fitness regimen, or it could be your primary workout. The agile moves that test your flexibility and coordination also help you strengthen you bones and muscles and sweat a lot to burn calories. Shedding extra pounds together and motivating each other throughout can make the lost weight or shapely figure much more rewarding.

  1. It gives you a chance to be intimate with each other.

The sensual moves and the physical closeness that dances like tango and salsa entail can be instrumental in reigniting your romantic attractions or keep the fire burning. You might feel awkward or embarrassed when you’re just starting out and dancing in public. However, as passionate instructors like the pros from Superior Ballroom Dance Studio help you learn to love the moves and be comfortable with dancing, you and your partner can eventually express your love for each other through the dance.

Passionate and precise, the Tango is also therapeutic, The Washington Post
Dancing the Tango To Mitigate Parkinson’s, PsychCentral